WELCOME TO TRIZIXETER'S SPELL BOOK Below are drow spells taken from my own experiences. Gained either from my own branch of drow or penned into creation by mine own hand. Use with caution as only a few spells below have been thoroughly researched and used by myself. Such brazen acts are more for foolhardy mages than a humble drow such as myself. |
VOCALIZE Vocalize LVL-2, RANGE-touch, COMP- s.m. DUR- d4 rnds +1 rnd per level, CT- 1, AOE- one being, ST- none, This spell allows the affected being to "think" verbal components or command words instead of having to say them. This allows a gagged or silenced caster mage to acctivate the verbal comp' of a spell/item. This spell will work in almost any situation in which the mage is unable to (or doesn't wish to) speak, such as a silence spell or under water. A particular side effect of the casting of this spell is that the affected being is unable to speak normally until the duration expirers. This spell may be used in conjunction with a permaneance spell, though the loss of speach is still in effect. |